Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Kitchen is Finished--BEFORE and AFTER pictures

Pies are done.
Cakes are done.
People are finished or through... with kitchen redo projects.

Kitchen redo projects are hard. But second kitchen redo projects done in the same year as the first redos are even more challenging because after making a mess of your kitchen--again--it's hard to remember just how necessary the second redo was. I mean, not having LED lights on a dimmer switch is not so bad. Did we really have to redo the kitchen for a second time for that?!

Luckily there is photographic proof. The best thing about Before and After pictures is that they justify all the blood, sweat and tears expended to make the redo project a great redo room. Okay, at least they look good.

Therefore without further ado the Before and After pictures.

The Kitchen Ceiling BEFORE.
Mr. Wonderful and I tried out several placements for the LED lights in the ceiling. Here you see where we thought we'd put two LED lights (the markings on the ceiling) as opposed to where we actually did (the LED lamp hanging from the hole). You can also see the guts of our old doorbell.

The Kitchen Ceiling AFTER:
I sawed holes in the ceiling for the lamps, Mr. Wonderful put the LEDs and their cans into the ceiling. Then I gave the ceiling two coats of paint. I love authentic things and wanted to keep the old doorbell. Mr. Wonderful painted its casing and silver bells so the doorbell matched our new color scheme thus making it better than new!

The Kitchen Ceiling and Cabinets BEFORE:
Before scraping off the four coats of ceiling paint down to the plaster, we also removed all the vents and cabinet trim to protect them. It would have been a shame to damage what we'd redone in the first kitchen redo during this second kitchen redo.

The Kitchen Ceiling and Cabinets AFTER:
With the vent and cabinet trim replaced and painted, the LED lights installed, and walls and ceiling repainted, the room feels brighter and cooler than before. While it was a hard work to do and live through, I'm happy that we did this second kitchen redo.

Now I love my kitchen... even more! Plus I won't be sweating under hot lamps when baking pies and cakes because each LED light we installed uses just three (3!) watts of electricity! It's grand!

So in this space I can bake pies until they're done and cakes until they're done. But as for me doing another kitchen redo project--I am finished!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Patty!
      It was a lot of work but I'm so happy we did it. And that it's over! Enjoy today!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Barbara,
      Thank you for reading! Your Shakespeare quote perfectly sums up the situation. But when you do start a DIY project, you don't know if it will turn out well or not. It's a leap of faith! Luckily this one ended well! Enjoy today!
